SimonPalmer a écrit :
Apologies in advance if this is either a) the wrong board or b) been
answered a million times elsewhere, but...

I have been given an assignment to get a python module up and running
behind an existing web site.  At the moment the rest of the site is
developed in PHP but the hosts have said they will provide python
support for free, although they haven't given any more details than
that, so I'm not sure exactly what that means.

Depending on the hosts, this can range from having an antiquated python version with only cgi enabled and no way to install anything to the very last stable release and (almost) whatever third-part lib / frameworks and correct configuration.

 All reasonably
encouraging though.

I'm a newbie to python but quite experienced with Java/J2EE/JBoss.

Quite another world...

What I need to know is how I get python running on the server

For which definition of 'server' ? The computer, or the web server process ?

and what
tools/middleware I would need to have installed on the host's machines
to be able to support my python modules.

Depends on your modules dependencies !-)

More seriously : Python is known has being the language with more web frameworks than keywords. IOW, there's no simple straightforward answer to your question. Fisrt choose which Python web development solution you intend to use, then read the FineManual's "deployment" section of the chosen solution.

You'll find pointers to most web-related libs / frameworks here:

Given your situation (Python newcomer with a real job to do), and if your job is anything more than a very Q&D deadsimple task, I'd personnaly recommand Django ( Don't let the version number fools you (latest version is 1.0 release candidate), Django is a mature, solid and proven solution that have years of existance, and what they call 1.0rc would be labeled at least 3.5 for some other software... It's also mostly documented, and there's a strong community around the framework, so you should not have much problem getting help.

For any other Python question (I mean, non django-related), you're at the right place.

Oh, and yes, if I may suggest a reading:

HTH, and welcome on board...

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