Hi, I found on the net that there is something called module initialization. Unfortunately, there is not much information for this. However, small the information I found module initialization can be of use to me in my project.
I'm currently messing with a problem where I'm keeping my global variables ( or symbols) in a module and the other mdoules in the project acess these global variables. However, there is one case when a module updates one such global variable but the variable is not getting updated in the module containing global symbols ( variables). This happen only at the start of the program and at rest of the places in the program that global variable is not accessed. So, I thought of using this module initialization where I will intialize the module only once to update that variable. Ans in the rest of the program where ever this module is imported I shall be able to easily access the update value of the variable. Could some one provide me a sample code of module intialization? And how can I ensure that module initialization is done only once? Thanks and regards, Rajat -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list