Raymond Luxury-Yacht wrote:

> To learn python, I've been trying to write a simple graphics program
> which displays a 1D cellular automaton's evolution.  The last time I
> wrote this program, it was in C for a CGA adaptor (!) in which the
> display was mapped to two interlaced blocks of memory, and scrolling
> up two lines of pixels was very simple and very smooth.  The code
> below works, and uses pygame for the graphics.  But the scrolling is
> quite flickery when using large windows.  I'm sure that the code
> contains various neophyte python errors, and I'd appreciate any
> comments on that, but my main question is how I ought to have coded it
> in order to have the scrolling be smooth.  I did see a comment on a
> pygame site saying that pygrame should not be used for side-scrollers,
> to which this is similar.  Is there a better way with python?

You need to to double-buffering. Just as in the old days... 


Look for pygame.display.flip()


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