mblume wrote:

2) setdefault is your friend

d = {}
d['a'] = d.setdefault('a', 1) + 1

d['a'] = d.get('a', 1) + 1

seems to me a little better, as d['a'] doesn't get set twice, right?

setdefault is pronounced "get, and set if necessary". it only updates the dictionary if the key isn't already there:

>>> help({}.setdefault)
Help on built-in function setdefault:

    D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
(since setdefault is a method, the second argument is evaluated whether it's used or not, but that's true for your approach as well, and isn't much of a problem for a light-weight object like the integer 1.)



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