sharon kim wrote:

i have a list, for example;

 >>> L=[]
 >>> L.append('10')
 >>> L.append('15')
 >>> L.append('20')
 >>> len(L)
 >>> print L
['10', '15', '20']

is there a way to sum up all the numbers in a list? the number of objects in the list is vary, around 50 to 60. all objects are 1 to 3 digit positive numbers.

the for-in statement is your friend:

    S = 0
    for item in L:
        S += int(item)

it can also be used in-line (this is called a "generator expression"):

    S = sum(int(v) for v in L)

or even hidden inside a built-in helper function:

    S = sum(map(int, L))



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