Greetings all, I'm wanting to maintain what values in one file and call them in another. The purpose being to keep a single location where url's, login's and passwords can be maintained, then called as needed from another file.
In file #1 I have... import time import os import sys url = 'http://zoo/' adminlogin = 'Zebra' adminpassword = 'Zebra12$' --------------------------------------------- In file #2 I have the following... from cPAMIE import PAMIE #Imports - used to setup / control finding files import time import os import sys import loginout #name of the file retaining all url/login info from log import log #Create New Pamie Object ie=PAMIE() ie=Visible =1 t=time adminlogin (ie,url) if ie.findText ('Site Status: Active'): log ('PASSED -- ADMIN Module - ADMIN Login & Admin Tab Navigation Successful') else: log ('WARNING -- ADMIN Module Login & Admin Tab Navigation FAILED') time.sleep(2) What am I doing incorrectly to not have file two log in when executed. All files are in the same directory. Keep it simple... I'm new at this. THNX --