En Fri, 22 Aug 2008 09:23:46 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Hi,
> I am trying to install the mechanize lib so I can use python to do
> webbrowseing.
> First I set up easy_install
> When I ran the script, it download the files ok, then I got these
> error messages
> sun is not reganized as a internal command


This sequence should work:

- Download ClientForm (in .zip or .gz format as you wish)
- Extract into a temporary directory
- cd to that directory and execute
  python setup.py install

- Download mechanize (in .zip or .gz format as you wish)
- Extract into a temporary directory
- cd to that directory and execute
  python setup.py install

> I did a sercah on sun.* and the sercah came up empty, am I missing
> some files?

I don't think this "sun" actually comes from mechanize... Try the above 

Gabriel Genellina


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