1) If you write for MS Windows Get a copy of Python Programming on

2) Get a copy of Python Cookbook (2nd Edition just shipped).  It
has 100's of examples with detailed explanations of what the
code does.  It starts out with very simple recipes but by the
end of the book you are covering very advanced techniques.

3) Read the standard library documentation and source code.  You
can learn a lot.

4) Read this list every day.  I learn something daily.

Larry Bates

Anon wrote:
> I've gotten off to a good start for programming using Python (my first
> programming language).  I can do the basics (different kinds of loops,
> variables, functions), but I'm not too good with classes yet.  I've
> written some really small programs just for kicks (most involve
> statistics of different situations using random numbers).
> I'd like to get to the next level, but I'm not sure how.  Are there any
> suggestions for continuing to learn?  How did you guys learn?

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