En Tue, 19 Aug 2008 18:35:57 -0300, Gustavo Narea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribi�:

Hello, everyone.

Why do unitest.TestCase grand-grandchildren not work?

I've created a unittest.TestCase descendant, which contains the setUp() and
tearDown() for testing some components of a web framework. Every
application based on this framework should subclass this base class once,
and the rest of the test cases must also subclass the base TestCase of the
application (which is a direct descendant of my descendant of TestCase).

Do you have any reason for such meta-testing?
If you want to ensure that all derived Test classes correctly set the database and model attributes, just check that condition in another test method on your base class (DBTest). Currently you are trying to check whether the code is actually checking the condition... I'm not sure of the usefulness of such meta-testing, even if it worked.

But grandchildren of my TestCase don't work, and I get this weird error:
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/unittest.py", line 248, in run
    testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName)
AttributeError: 'TestDatabaseGrandChildTesting' object has no
attribute '_testMethodName'

I get a different exception: ValueError: no such test method in <class '__main__.EmptyTestCase'>: runTest, which is perfectly reasonable given that you're constructing TestCase instances by hand, with no arguments - so the default test method "runTest" is used, and you haven't provided such method.

Gabriel Genellina


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