
>> Also, lool at that:
>> class Mother(object):
>> def __init__(self, param_mother='optional', **eat):
>> print 'Mother'
>> class Father(object):
>> def __init__(self, param_father='optional', **eat):
>> print 'Father'
>> class Child(Mother, Father):
>> def __init__(self, **ham):
>> super(Child, self).__init__(**ham)
>> child = Child(param_mother=1, param_father=1)
>> Father's init will not be called.
> Change Father/Mother.__init__() to call the superclass initializer. It may
> be counterintuitive, but it works.

OK, thanks, with the super(...).__init__() in Father/Mother it workes
and makes sense.

So, the last thing a *realy* don't like ist the
__init__(self, param, **ignore_the_rest) thing. 

Anyone had troubles with that, or should I cust take this as a "python
way of thinking" ... ;-), and getting used to that?

"Aber naja, ich bin eher der Forentyp." Wolfibolfi's outing in 

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