On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 10:58 PM, tarun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I've a configuration.ini file. This particular can be accessed by several
> threads of my application. Each thread can read/write configuration
> parameters from/to the configuration.ini file. I am using threading (Rlock)
> to lock the resource (configuration.ini file) while accessing it from any
> thread. I use the file available at
> http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/configobj.html for read/write.
> I did the following in one of my files:
> import threading
> class Synchronization:
>   def __init__(self):
>     self.mutex = threading.RLock()
> Now this I can create instances of the class Synchronization and use
> acquire/release to work on the shared resource. But every thread would need
> to import this class and hence each thread would create a separate instance
> of the class. This means several lock variables. But I think we need a
> global lock flag that is accessible across all the threads.
> How do i do this?
> Please let me know ASAP.
> Thanks In Advance,
> Tarun
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Does making it a class level instead of instance level variable not work?

Stand Fast,
tjg. [Timothy Grant]

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