Martijn Lievaart wrote:
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 18:33:30 -0400, John W Kennedy wrote:

Actually, I was thinking of the 1401. But both the 1620 and the 1401
(without the optional Advanced Programming Feature) share the basic
omission of any instruction that could do call-and-return without
hard-coding an adcon with the address of the point to be returned to.
(The Advanced Programming Feature added a 1401 instruction, Store
B-address Register, that, executed as the first instruction of a
subroutine, could store the return-to address.)


Don't. Bring. Back. Those. Nightmares. Please.

The 1401 was a decent enough processor for many industrial tasks -- at that time -- but for general programming it was sheer horror.

But the easiest machine language /ever/.

John W. Kennedy
 "The grand art mastered the thudding hammer of Thor
And the heart of our lord Taliessin determined the war."
  -- Charles Williams.  "Mount Badon"

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