Tom, there's a reason that Tkinter is included with Python - it's
probably the most straitforward of the 4 you mentioned.  It's dead easy
to get running on Win32 and Linux systems (haven't tried on Mac OS, but
I hear reports of it being used).

I found GTK to be damn near impossible to install on Windows, after
numerous attempts.  Maybe if you're building shrink-wrap systems you
wouldn't have the issue - just provide an executable and a .dll.

wxPython, some people say, feels like C++.   That may be a pro or a

As for QT, great on Linux, difficult or expensive to license on
Windows. There'll be an open-source version, but that's a year off by
the time PyQt 4 is ready.

If you haven't worked with any GUI toolkits before, why not start with
Tkinter - concepts like callbacks, threads and events, key to making
GUI apps work, are transferable between toolkits. 



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