haxier schrieb:

> M2Crypto? I didn't know of it... surely I must check it.
> It's a very delicate component (security and reliability is a must)
> and don't know how openssl works in windows environments.
M2crypto is available for windows, too. So I would not expect any
problems here.

> The best option could be some kind of thin wrapper around windows
> CryotoAPI, so access to hardware tokens and smartcard readers should

I'm not a windows guy, so I can't help here.

> be easy because under Linux everything seems tied to Mozilla NSS
> libraries.

Some is using NSS, some is OpenSSL. I personally use M2crypto, since the
licence fits me better.

> OpenOffice.org uses XML DSIG (libxmlsec, libxml2) as stated here[1]
> but I can't find more than this[2] implementation/wrapper of libxmlsec

I've not found a usefull specification, too. Digital Signing seams to
become part of ODF 1.2, but I've not found a clear statement on which
files have to be signed nor how.

> PDF signing... I can't find something like iText for Python... I've

iText is overkill far what you need. You only want to sign, not generate
PDF files.

Schönen Gruß - Regards
Hartmut Goebel

Goebel Consult
Spezialist für IT-Sicherheit in komplexen Umgebungen

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