for someMethod(Field1 ArrayOf_xsd_string, other_parameters)
a call someMethod( ['str1', 'str2', 'str3'], other_parameters)  *works for me* 
with SOAPpy 0.12.0. yes sir it does.
in PERL, let alone array types, even for simple types it was hard for me with 
all the '->', and '$'  prefixing for objects and variables.
I use following snippet to  check arguments, and return types from a wsdl for 
each method. If any on them is not a simple type, check the wsdl manually for 
details of the data type.
import os, sys, glob
from SOAPpy import WSDL
def checkwsdl(file):
   if os.path.isfile(file):
      print 'wsdl:%s' % file
      server = WSDL.Proxy(file)
      for ct, k in enumerate(server.methods.keys()):
         args =[]
         rets = []
         callInfo = server.methods[k]
         for ct2, name in enumerate(callInfo.inparams):
            args.append('%s %s' % (, name.type[1].encode()))
         for ct2, name in enumerate(callInfo.outparams):
            rets.append('%s %s' % (, name.type[1].encode()))
         print '%s. %s(%s)\n\treturns(%s)' % ( ct+1, k.encode(),
                  ',\n\t\t'.join(args),   ',\n\t\t'.join(rets))
if __name__ == '__main__' :
   args = sys.argv[1:]
   for arg in args:
      for file in glob.glob(arg):
Even though a method may be asking for an array, server may be accepting only 
up to a certain number of elements in the array.
And check the data type for elements in the array.
of course I had to tweak a couple of SOAPpy modules to accept long data type, 
and work from behind a firewall.
hope that helps...
thanks Edwin
 -----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of annu miya
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 12:11 PM
Subject: SOAPpy and ArrayOfString

In the article below you mention that you were succesful at doing this through 
perl. Would it be possible to send me the perl code?
Thank You

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