On Thu, 14 Aug 2008 04:49:51 +0200, Gerardo ARnaez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am writing a program to help determine coumadin regimens
to look at the code: http://sourceforge.net/projects/coumadinregimen/
The issue is that I have a variable that I want the use to select if
they don't like the default.
I have made this as a listbox widget
The rest of the gui is just entry widgets
What I noticed is that when I tab to through the entry widgets, I
lose the listbox selection: the item selected, gets unselected.
Not sure what is happening,hope I have explained it.
Usual tk/Tkinter pitfall: the selected item in a list box is by default
considered as a text selection. Since you can only have one text selected
at a time, selecting anything anywhere will unselect the item in the list.
To avoid this, use the exportselection=0 option when you're creating your
python -c "print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in