object and type both are instances of type. Yes, type is an instance of itself.

type inherits object.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 1:14 PM, ssecorp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> super(object, type)
> <super: <class 'object'>, <type object>>
>>>> super(type, object)
> <super: <class 'type'>, <type object>>
> how can both work?
> they can't both be the superclass of each other right? or is it some
> sort of mutually recursive definition?
>>>> help(object)
> Help on class object in module __builtin__:
> class object
>  |  The most base type
>>>> help(type)
> Help on class type in module __builtin__:
> class type(object)
>  |  type(object) -> the object's type
>  |  type(name, bases, dict) -> a new type
> --
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