Many thanks for all your reponses, much appreciated.

I'll get back to you on which is the best for me.

BTW - yes John thats exactly what I wanted.



Jon Bowlas wrote:
> For example I'd like to kow how many dictionaries there are with a
> level 1, 2 , 23 & 3 etc. How would one go about achieveing this?
> Hope someone can help.

sum(u'Level 2 Courses' in dct for dct in yourlist)


2008/8/12 Jon Bowlas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi All,
> I have the following list containing dictionaries and I would like to
> be able to count the total number of dictionaries I have that contain
> a certain value set for the 'level' key:
> [{'mod_title': u'Introduction to Human Anatomy', 'level': u'1',
> 'modcode': u'ANAT1003', 'deptleveltext': u'', 'deptlevelheader':
> u'Level 1 Courses', 'subj_code': u'AE'}, {'mod_title': u'Developmental
> Neurobiology', 'level': u'2', 'modcode': u'ANAT2008', 'deptleveltext':
> u'', 'deptlevelheader': u'Level 2 Courses', 'subj_code': u'AE'},
> {'mod_title': u'Human Neuroanatomy', 'level': u'2', 'modcode':
> u'ANAT2010', 'deptleveltext': u'', 'deptlevelheader': u'Level 2
> Courses', 'subj_code': u'AE'}, {'mod_title': u'Human Anatomy and
> Embryology', 'level': u'2', 'modcode': u'ANAT2050', 'deptleveltext':
> u'', 'deptlevelheader': u'Level 2 Courses', 'subj_code': u'AE'},
> {'mod_title': u'Ethics of Fertility and Embryo Research', 'level':
> u'2', 'modcode': u'ANAT2099', 'deptleveltext': u'', 'deptlevelheader':
> u'Level 2 Courses', 'subj_code': u'AE'}, {'mod_title': u"Man's Place
> in Nature 1750-1900", 'level': u'23', 'modcode': u'HMED3001',
> 'deptleveltext': u'', 'deptlevelheader': u'Level 2/3 Courses',
> 'subj_code': u'AE'}, {'mod_title': u'Medicine, Disease and Society,
> Antiquity to Renaissance ', 'level': u'23', 'modcode': u'HMED3003',
> 'deptleveltext': u'', 'deptlevelheader': u'Level 2/3 Courses',
> 'subj_code': u'AE'}, {'mod_title': u'Madness and Society', 'level':
> u'23', 'modcode': u'HMED3004', 'deptleveltext': u'',
> 'deptlevelheader': u'Level 2/3 Courses', 'subj_code': u'AE'}]
> For example I'd like to kow how many dictionaries there are with a
> level 1, 2 , 23 & 3 etc. How would one go about achieveing this?
> Hope someone can help.
> Cheers
> Jon

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