En Mon, 11 Aug 2008 19:19:19 -0300, tow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I have a python script (part of a django application, if it makes any
difference) which is exhibiting the following behaviour:
import my_module # succeeds
imp.find_module("my_module") # fails, raising ImportError
which is completely baffling me. According to sys.path, both should
fail; the directory containing my_module is not in sys.path (though
the my_module directory itself is).
my_module is not a module but a package, right? Else I don't understand
the above statement.
More puzzlingly, printing out
my_module.__file__ gives:
I don't really understand what the ".." is doing in there.
Can someone explain what I'm missing here, it's got me stumped.
Perhaps you have ".." in sys.path? And the current directory happens to be
Gabriel Genellina