Thanks, Timothy.  I'm pretty sure that there is no such thing as a "beautiful"
implementation of double-metaphone but I would personally like to have a copy
of your python implementation.  I have a fairly elegant version of the original
metaphone algorithm I wrote myself (in PERL, many years ago) but I've
never found
the time to reverse-engineer the original C++ code for double-metaphone and
"pythonize" it.

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 2:08 PM, Timothy Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My first thought is that you should be looking at implementations of
>> Hamming Distance.  If you are actually looking for something like
>> SOUNDEX you might also want to look at the double metaphor algorithm,
>> which is significantly harder to implement but provides better
>> matching and is less susceptible to differences based on name origins.
>> --
> I responded in the thread of the poster's original message on this
> subject, but will do the same here. I have a horribly ugly version of
> the double-metaphone algorithm in python that does work, and may be of
> some use in solving this problem.
> --
> Stand Fast,
> tjg. [Timothy Grant]

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