> See http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/pythoncook2/index.html
> I don't see it on Amazon yet, but you can order it from O'Reilly.
> Ron Stephens
> www.awaretek.com
I received my copy on Friday (because I was a contributor).

I wanted to thank Alex, Anna, and David for taking the time to put
this together.  I think it is a GREAT resource, especially for
beginners.  This should be required reading for anyone that
is serous about learning Python.

The example code and explanations are excellent.  I found that
I learned quite a bit from some of the more advanced examples
and found several recipes that I'm sure I'll use in the future.
I think this will go on my bookshelf beside Fredrkik Lundh's
"Python Standard Library" and Mark Hammond's "Python Programming
on Win32" as a resource that I'll reference regularly.

Larry Bates

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