If it is a print that can take direct character output (e.g. one
that has PCL or text mode emulation) you can do following:

lpr=open('LPT1','w') # or LPT2, LPT3
lpr.writeline('the output line you want')

If it is a GDI-only printer it is MUCH more difficult.  You need
to interface with Windows GDI.  If this is the case, take a look
at wxPython interface to wxWindows (see printPreview) or you can
use Mark Hammonds Windows utilities.

FYI, Larry

Richard Lyons wrote:
> I'm just starting to work with Python.  Have had a little experience
> with basic.  I am using Python on a Windows XP system.
> How to I print a line of output generated in a python script to a
> printer attached to the windows computer?

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