Using something like PyParsing is probably better, but if you don't want to use it you may use something like this:
raw_data = """ Field f29227: Ra=20:23:46.54 Dec=+67:30:00.0 MJD=53370.06797690 Frames 5 Set 1 Field f31448: Ra=20:24:58.13 Dec=+79:39:43.9 MJD=53370.06811620 Frames 5 Set 2 Field f31226: Ra=20:24:45.50 Dec=+78:26:45.2 MJD=53370.06823860 Frames 5 Set 3 Field f31004: Ra=20:25:05.28 Dec=+77:13:46.9 MJD=53370.06836020 Frames 5 Set 4 Field f30782: Ra=20:25:51.94 Dec=+76:00:48.6 MJD=53370.06848210 Frames 5 Set 5 Field f30560: Ra=20:27:01.82 Dec=+74:47:50.3 MJD=53370.06860400 Frames 5 Set 6 Field f30338: Ra=20:28:32.35 Dec=+73:34:52.0 MJD=53370.06872620 Frames 5 Set 7 Field f30116: Ra=20:30:21.70 Dec=+72:21:53.6 MJD=53370.06884890 Frames 5 Set 8 Field f29894: Ra=20:32:28.54 Dec=+71:08:55.0 MJD=53370.06897070 Frames 5 Set 9 Field f29672: Ra=20:34:51.89 Dec=+69:55:56.6 MJD=53370.06909350 Frames 5 Set 10""" # from each line extract the fields: id, ra, dec, mjd # even if they are swapped data = [] for line in raw_data.lower().splitlines(): if line.startswith("field"): parts = line.split() record = {"id": int(parts[1][1:-1])} for part in parts[2:]: if "=" in part: title, field = part.split("=") record[title] = field data.append(record) print data ----------------- Stefan Behnel: >You can use named groups in a single regular expression.< Can you show how to use them in this situation when fields can be swapped? Bye, bearophile --