Yeats wrote:
Years ago i use xlrd to read data from excel and now I need again, but
i get strange result. The code is:
from xlrd import *
Planilha = open_workbook('C:\\Resultados.xls')
Resultados = Planilha.sheet_by_name('Resultados')
c = (Resultados.cell_value(2,2))
print c
and the result is: 0, but the value in cell is : VERDADEIRO
What´s the problem
I've never used xlrd, but based on other packages for accessing spread
sheets, here's one guess.
Cells can have numeric values or string values. Your cell apparently
has a string, but you are asking for a numeric value, so you get a
zero. Should you be asking for a string value? (That's the way
OpenOffice/python works if I remember correctly.)
Or are you accessing a different cell because you've confused 0-based /
1-based indexing?
Or are you using old outdated versions of xlrd, Python or Excel?
Gary Herron
Thanks and sorry my bad english