Thomas Troeger wrote:
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
class A:
    def bar(self):
        print "A"

Alas, you've chosen the worst-possible example to "clarify" matters, because old-style classic classes are *not* unified with types, and will disappear in the future:

Of course I wanted to write `class A(object)', but I keep forgetting this one because I'm still used to the old ways...

Will this disappear in Python 3.0., i.e. can you again simply write
class A:
and inherit from object automagically?

IDLE 3.0b2
>>> class a: pass

>>> a
<class '__main__.a'>
>>> a.__bases__
(<class 'object'>,)

3.0 is really a nicer version. Once the final release is out, the main reason to stick with 2.x for new code will be if it depends on third-party code (including your own ;-) that has not been upgraded.


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