castironpi wrote:
Similarly, I take it that the decision to make CPython a stack machine
+ VM was a design decision, not a necessity, favoring internal
simplicity over the extra 5%.

Years ago, someone once started a project to write a register-based virtual machine for (C)Python. I suspect it was abandoned for some combination of lack of time and preliminary results showing little speedup for the increased complication. But I never saw any 'final report'.

And furthermore, I think I'm getting
confused about what exactly constitutes an interpreter: it is whether
there is a process that runs product instructions, or the product
instructions can run standalone.  I would take 'compiler' to mean,
something that outputs an .EXE executable binary file,

This is way too restrictive. Does *nix have no compilers? In any case, the CPython compiler uses stadard compiler components: lexer, parser, syntax tree, code generator, and peephole optimizer. The result is a binary file (.pyc for Python compiled) executable on a PyCode machine.


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