Steven D'Aprano  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Anders wrote:

>> "But then you decide to name the method "__nonzero__", instead of some 
>> nice descriptive name?"

> That suggests to me that Anders imagined that __nonzero__ is something I 
> just made up, instead of a standard Python method. What does it suggest 
> to you?

That he thinks using __nonzero__ like this decreases readability.

He also wrote

> In comparison, I gather you would write something like this:
>     class C:
>        def __nonzero__(self):
>           return len(self.method()[self.attribute]) > -1
>     ...
>     c = get_a_C()
>     if c:
>        ...

If he had imagined that __nonzero__ was something you just made up, the
second-last line there would have read
      if c.__nonzero__()


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