On 28 Jul., 06:42, "Russ P." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Jul 27, 8:58 pm, castironpi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > On Jul 27, 2:39 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Derek Martin a écrit : > > > > It's bad programming, but the world is full of bad programmers, and we > > > > don't always have the choice not to use their code. Isn't one of > > > > Python's goals to minimize opportunities for bad programming? > > > > Nope. That's Java's goal. Python's goals are to maximize opportunities > > > for good programming, which is quite different. > > Oh, gosh, that is so clever. What a bunch of crap. > > > +1 QOTW > > Do you realize what an insult that is to everyone else who has posted > here in the past week?
Nothing glues a community together so well as a common enemy. Or even better: two enemies i.e. Perl and Java in Pythons case. On the other hand, some enemies have to be ignored or declared to be not an enemy ( Ruby ), although oneself is clearly an enemy for them. The same antisymmetry holds for Python and Java. Java is an enemy for Python but Python is not worth for Java to be an enemy as long as it can be ignored. C++ and Java are enemies for each other. Same holds for Java and C#. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list