Martin v. Löwis wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] in 

>> I just tested, I built a default C# forms app using the "AnyCPU"
>> option and it ran as a 64 bit app (no *32 in Task Manager), this is
>> on XP64. 
>> I have though installed the AMD64 version of the 2.0 framework and 
>> AFAICT neither windows update or the Visual Studio installer
>> will install that by default, you have to go get it your self.
> Interesting. I only tested this in .NET 1.1. Perhaps they have changed
> something since. How exactly did you launch the program? Does it change
> if you use Python's os.spawn* to launch it?

If will do then I can report the same results, a
64 bit process, using 32 bit CPython 2.5 to call it.
Also if the programme (C#) is built with the 3.5 framework I 
get the same results, however interestingly there is no 64 bit 
build for the 3.5 framework (or at least I was unable to find one).


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