H! First I have some random string below.
bla = """ <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var bla = new Blaobject("argh 1a", "argh 2a", "24", 24, 345) function la( tec ) { etc etc } function other thing( ){ var two = new BlaObject("argh 1b", "argh 2b", ""+(sv), ""+(2f), "4"); bla die bla } // ]]> </script> """ Now I'm trying to get each BlaObject with the first (variable) function argument And I can say that this isn't working for a in re.findall(r'([BlaObject ])(.*)([)] *)',bla): print a The output must be something like: # ('BlaObject','argh 1a') # ('BlaObject','argh 1a') or # Blaobject("argh 1a", "argh 2a", "24", 24, 345) # BlaObject("argh 1b", "argh 2b", ""+(sv), ""+(2f), "4"); My simple idea was to a. the start position is the BlaObject b. the stop position is the character ) (not ); because its a javascript function) c. the output [a (everything between) b] Who knows the answer ? Thanks very much, GCMartijn -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list