You can try R cran also. Very powerfull and free. And with R you can use
Rpy, a library R for python and can access to R function and R graph in a
python script.
Other mathematic library  exist in python : Matplotlib for exemple.
Summary :
to draw graph easely in python : Rpy lib or Matplotlib. If you don't know R
language (vectorial language) use Matplotlib.

Adress :
R site :
Rpy lib for python :
Matplotlib for python :

On 7/25/08, King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Use python's default GUI tkinter's drawing functions or you can use
> wxPython GUI kit or you can use pyopengl.
> If you are only interested to draw sin waves or math functions that
> you should give try to matlab at
> --

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