Jordan wrote:

Except when it comes to Classes. I added some classes to code that had
previously just been functions, and you know what I did - or rather,
forgot to do? Put in the 'self'. In front of some of the variable
accesses, but more noticably, at the start of *every single method
argument list.* This cannot be any longer blamed as a hangover from
Java - I've written a ton more code, more recently in Python than in
Java or any other OO language. What's more, every time I go back to
Python after a break of more than about a week or so, I start making
this 'mistake' again. The perennial justification for this 'feature'
of the language? That old Python favourite, "Explicit is better than

Do you seriously think that Python is designed by mindless application
of a set of humorous and somewhat self-deprecating observations posted
to a newsgroup a number of years ago?



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