> I fixed the code. This code snippet runs in a seperate thread:
> PyObject *dict=NULL;
> PyGILState_STATE state = PyGILState_Ensure();
> dict = CreateMyGlobalDictionary();
> PyRun_String(<my code>, Py_file_input, dict, dict);
> ReleaseGlobalDictionary(dict);
> But it still does not work... :-/

Have you initialize interpreter with PyEval_InitThreads? look at 
http://www.python.org/doc/1.5.2/api/threads.html for more information.

Oh, btw... I did use python in a bit different scenario than you've 
described. Since you attempt to run different script per-host thread, you 
might need python multiple interpreter support, I suggest you take a look 
mod_python implementation.




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