jadamwil schrieb:
> Hello,
> I am using the numpy fromfile function to read binary data from a file
> on disk. The problem is that the program runs fine on a Mac, but gives
> an error or warning on windows when trying to read the data. I use it
> like this:
> Signal = zeros((N, 16), dtype=float32)
> for sample in range(0, N):
>   # this function gets the next position in the file to seek to
>   s = getFilePos(sample)
>   # go to the correct location in the file; this IS checked to make
> sure it is within the file
>   mFile.seek(s)
>   # read the 16 float32 values from the file
>   D = fromfile(mFile, dtype=numpy.float32, 16)
>   # save D in Signal
>   Signal[sample, :] = D
> This will fail when sample is ~4. If I change the range to (5,N),
> skipping the "bad" file location, it will run fine for a few samples,
> and then give another error. The message it gives is:
> "16 items requested but only 7 read"
> So D is a 7x1 vector, and the program dies when it tries to assign D
> to the slice of Signal ("ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be
> broadcast to a single shape").
> On windows, the Python version is 2.5.2, and the most recent numpy and
> scipy are being used as well. I tried using Enthought, but it gave
> this error as well, in addition to a c runtime error whenever I
> imported scipy (which is another post topic...).
> Any ideas on what might be causing this? Is there a way to debug the
> fromfile function? And, remember, this works perfectly on a Mac. Would
> compiling everything (python, scipy, numpy) potentially solve this?

Did you open the file in binary mode ?

Greetings, Uwe

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