skazhy wrote:

hi, i am new to python, so i've a really simple question about
if i have a dictionary and I make have an input after it (to input
numbers) can i get the key of value that was in input?

A dictionary contains (key, value) pairs, and is optimized for quickly finding the value in a pair, if given the key.

somehting like this:
dict = { "key1"=100,"key2"=200,"key3"=300}

dict() is a built-in function; you're free to reuse the names of such functions as variable names in Python, but if you do, you won't be able to use those functions in that part of your program. And in this case, the dict() built-in might be useful (see below):

a = input()
print 'the key of inputted value is', dict['a']

this syntax of course is wrong, but i hope you got the point..

Assuming that you want the *key* in Python's sense, for a given value, you can either loop over the dictionary (called D below):

    for k, v in D.items():
        if v == a:
            print 'the key of inputted value is', v
        print "not found"

or create an reverse mapping and use that (you only have to do this every time the dictionary changes, of course), e.g.

    reverse_D = dict((D[k], k) for k in D)

    a = input()
    print "the key for value", a, "is", reverse_D[a]

(this doesn't work if you call your dictionary "dict", obviously.)



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