> Bah, new-fangled languages like Pascal... Real programmers write Fortran. Using punch-cards and paper-tape. Real programmers can edit their programs with a pointy stick and some home-made sticky-tape. -- Grant Edwards

Reminds me of a funny story from my past working life. I had this fibre tipped pen, given to me as a freebie by some computer company. The pen had something like "Floppy Disk Pen" printed down the barrel. A colleague who was more into IT management than programming or hands-on support picked it up at a meeting and said something like - "That's interesting, what's it for?" Seeing an opportunity I replied "Its a new bit of technology that allows you to write directly to your floppy disks when you are away from your computer!" "What a great idea!" he replied in all seriousness!

Maybe our friend could find one to code C# with! ;-)


Peter Anderson

There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things — Niccolo Machiavelli, /The Prince/, ch. 6


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