Stef Mientki <stef.mientki <at>> writes: > Although it works functionally, > it can take lots of time waiting for the translation. > > What I basically do is, after selecting a new string to be translated: > > kwds = { 'trtext' : line_to_be_translated, 'lp' :'en_nl'} > soup = BeautifulSoup (urlopen(url, urlencode ( kwds ) ) ) > translation= soup.find ( 'div', style='padding:0.6em;' ).string > self.Editor_Babel.SetLabel ( translation )
You should give lxml.html a try. It can parse directly from HTTP URLs (no need to go through urlopen), and it frees the GIL while parsing, so it will become efficient to create a little Thread that doesn't do more than parsing the web site, as in (untested): def read_bablefish(text, lang, result): url = BABLEFISH_URL + '?' + urlencode({'trtext':text, 'lp':lang}) page = lxml.html.parse(url) for div in page.iter('div'): style = div.get('style') if style is not None and 'padding:0.6em;' in style: result.append( lxml.html.tostring(div, method="text", with_tail=False)) result = [] thread = threading.Thread(target=read_bablefish, args=("...", "en_nl", result)) thread.start() while thread.isAlive(): # ... do other stuff if result: print result[0] Stefan --