
2008/7/16 zhw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 7月16日, 下午5时35分, Ben Finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> zhw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > Here is a example that I want to complete:
>> > >>> import sys, new
>> > >>> context={"name":"david", "sex":"male"}
>> Here you have a set of values addressible by name.
>> > >>> sys.modules["foo"] = new.module("foo")
>> Why do you believe you need to create a module object?
>> > >>> import foo
>> > >>> for attr in context:
>> >    setattr(foo, attr, context[attr])

Forgetting these considerations (I agree with Ben, though), your error
is trying to use an 'import *' inside a function. You should take it
outside the function, and try to run it again.

>> > >>> def bar():
>> >         # here is a error
>> >         # import * only allowed at module level
>> >    from foo import *
>> >         print name, sex

There are different import statements you can use in Python. I
recommend you to take a look at the tutorial to learn about the
differences between them: http://docs.python.org/tut/node8.html

Good luck.

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