Marcus.CM wrote: > So python for me is for anything except GUI. It becomes self rejecting > notion to do GUI in python when you type in those stuff that could have > been handled by an IDE, > thus for linux project i just do the web interface + php and let python > do all the other hard core work.
This is probably exactly backwards of how I think of it. Python is ideally suited for creating and driving GUIs, things that dispatch work to libraries and routines that do the real work. This is known as the separation of the user interface from the backend business logic. While I feel python is equally good at backend processing as it as front-end stuff, many folks feel that Python may be too slow for certain kinds of data processing. Therefore by that logic, python only makes sense on the front end. To the original poster, get yourself this package: Then google around for getting PyGTK working on Win32 and you're in business. Don't use glade's code-generation tools; they are obsolete. Instead use the glade xml file and the libglade or GTK Builder python bindings for GTK to load and create the GUIs on the fly. Personally I think that designing good-looking guis in Python using wxWidgets, PyGTK or PyQT in plain code is very fast and very easy. In fact I think that GUI builders are somewhat overrated as they cannot possibly cope with a GUI that will display data dynamically, or use custom widgets. That said, check out PyQT (definitely available on windows) and Qt's Designer. It pretty much blows glade and anything else I've seen out of the water. --