"Antoon Pardon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> 1) It makes it hard to see how many levels are dedented at the end of
>   a suite, and sometime makes it difficult to see where the end
>   of a suite is. If e.g. you are looking at the code spread over
>   two pieces of paper, it is sometimes hard to see whether the
>   suite ends at the end of the first page or not.

One can use appropriately indented comment lines instead of closing 
brackets for this purpose.

> 2) It makes it hard to introduce some kind of new syntax constructs.

I consider this as much a plus as a minus ;-)

> 3) Sometimes the structure of the algorithm is not the structure
>   of the code as written, people who prefer that the indentation
>   reflects the structure of the algorithm instead of the structure
>   of the code, are forced to indent wrongly.

Do you have any simple examples in mind?

Terry J. Reedy


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