On 24 Mar 2005 19:49:38 -0800, brainsucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> foo = 0
> for item1 in range(10) until foo == 2:
>   for item2 in range(10) until foo == 2:
>     foo = item1 + item2
>     if foo == 2: print "Let's see"
> print foo

In this case, I'll use the following:

    for item1 in range(10):
        for item2 in range(10):
                if item1 + item2 == 2:
                        print "Let's see"
                        raise StopIteration
except StopIteration:
print item1 + item2

And I tell you what. Actually I'm very lousy remembering things, and
if I want the loop to stop in a different number, I'll have to change
the code in TWO places. In mine, just one (and this in your codes get
worse with more for levels).

Another approach:

def bar():
    for item1 in range(10):
        for item2 in range(10):
                if item1 + item2 == 2:
                        print "Let's see"
                        return item1 + item2
foo = bar()
print foo

.    Facundo

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