Esben> What i don't know is how to the client ip. I would think I should Esben> override the _marshalled_dispatch method but I can't quite grasp Esben> it all.
First, from my reading of SimpleXMLRPCServer, I don't think _dispatch() belongs at that level. It belongs in the request handler class or in a separate dispatcher class, depending on what version of Python you're using. Second, SimpleXMLRPCServer is a SocketServer subclass. You should be able to provide a verify_request method (see the SocketServer docs) and a handler class with a set_local method: class RPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer): def verify_request(self, handler, address): handler.set_local(address_is_local(address)) A _dispatch method in the handler will then be able to check an attribute to know if the request was made from the local machine or not. Skip --