The Pythonista wrote:
Yesterday, I was hacking around a bit, trying to figure out how to implement the semantics of call/cc in Python. Specifically, I wanted to translate this Scheme code to equivalent Python:


(define theContinuation #f)
(define (test)
   (let ((i 0))
     (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! theContinuation k)))
     (set! i (+ i 1))



Incidentally, those last three lines evaluate to 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

The best Python translation I could come up with was something like this (targeted at Python 2.5):

import inspect

theContinuation = None

def call_cc (f):
    f (inspect.currentframe().f_back)

def invoke (c):
    exec c.f_code in c.f_globals, c.f_locals
def test():
    i = 0
    call_cc (lambda k: globals().update({'theContinuation' : k }))
    i = i + 1
    print i

invoke (theContinuation)
invoke (theContinuation)


Now, this code is wrong on a number of levels [I am indeed aware of exactly how ugly that lambda is...], but, in particular, my continuations / stack frames don't seem to be resuming at the right point. I'd expect invoke (theContinuation) to restart on the line immediately following call_cc, but it does not. Not surprisingly, the output is also wrong. (I get 1, 1, and 1 rather than 1, 2, and 3.)

Can anyone help me by, perhaps pointing out some silly error I made? Failing that, can someone show me a working implementation of call/cc (preferably based on some form of stack inspection)?


While I know absolutely no scheme what you show here is a generator in Python.

def theContinuation():
    n = 0
    while 1:
        n += 1
        yield n

invoke = theContinuation()


Maybe that is what you are looking for?


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