Hello, Ali I totally support you, neither I couldn't find any really working code completion for python in a free software, and it's really a mess, at least on Linux.
On Windows, there is PyScripter (http://pyscripter.googlepages.com/), but it is based on Delphi, and as such it's not portable. But it's a free software (even if I couldn't find the sources, they say you can download them). It is said to be working on Linux via Wine, so if you really need a code completion tool you could give it a try. _________________________________________________________________ Téléchargez gratuitement des émoticônes pour pimenter vos conversations Messenger http://specials.fr.msn.com/femmes/amour/emoticonesLove.aspx -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list