Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Mark Dickinson wrote:
>> On Jul 5, 1:54 pm, Carl Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Part of the problem is a lack of agreement on what
>> 'regular expression' means.
> Twenty years ago, there was.  Calling a extended re-derived grammar
> expression like Perl's a 'regular-expression' is a bit like calling a
> Hummer a 'car' -- perhaps to hide its gas-guzzling behavior.

Yet, to many programmers the Hummer is not only just a car, its _the_ car. 
Everything else is just silly, bloody old posix crap ;)

(meaning, that pcres are often seen as true regular expressions, and
everything else is referred to as "being somehow restricted")

Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.
                                      (Rosa Luxemburg)

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