I need to be able to programatically get the version info from a windows DLL preferably in the same format as what is displayed in the properties tab.

I was overjoyed to find Mark Hammond's Python Extensions (http://starship.python.net/crew/mhammond/) The package includes a little demo program "filevers.py" distributed in the win32api download that does exactly what I need.

Unfortunately I get this error when I execute the script:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\work\getfilever.py", line 8, in ?
d=win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(fname, '\\')
pywintypes.error: (1812, 'GetFileVersionInfo:GetFileVersionInfoSize', 'The specified image file did not contain a resource section.')

Anybody know what this means, or more importantly, if there is a work-around? "fname", in the code snippit above, contains the name of a DLL compiled with MS Visual Studio .NET 2003.



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