Title: mod_python.dll not compatible with python23.dll

I just installed mod_python-3.1.3.win32-py2.3.exe which should set me up to use mod_python with python23 on apache2, windows xp.

When I try the standard hello world test program, I get the _apache not found in the apache module.  After searching on the web

a bit, I discovered that the mod_python.dll needs to by copied into my python23/dll directory. I did this and I get an error telling me it can't

locate ApacheCore.dll, so I add that...I then get cannot locate python20.dll.  Why is it looking for 20? and why wouldn't the correct

mod_python.dll be installed in the installation program mentioned above?  More importantly, where can I get the proper mod_python.dll.

If I am doing something wrong here could someone please help.  I am guessing that I may not need the mod_python.dll file at all because

the .so file is already in the apache modules directory...and that is supposed to be a dll.  Also...(sorry for such a long note)...why do

some web sites say that I should have LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.dll in my apache config file?  Apache
always fails on start up when I have this.

Thank you very much,


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