Iain King wrote:
On Jul 2, 3:29 pm, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Iain King wrote:
Hi. I'm using the win32 module to access an Access database, but I'm
running into the File Sharing lock count as
The solution I'd like to use is the one where you can temporarily
override the setting using (if we were in VB):
DAO.DBEngine.SetOption dbmaxlocksperfile,15000
Really hurried answer:
import win32com.client
dao = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch ("DAO.DBEngine.36")
dao.SetOption (Option=win32com.client.constants.dbMaxLocksPerFile, Value=15000)
Thanks. I found this:
which outlines some difference between DAO and ADO, including:
"Capability to set and change Jet options without making registry
changes (works in DAO through DBEngine.GetOption and
DBEngine.SetOption, fails in ADO, which has no such analogue)."
Now, I'm pretty sure I tried to use DAO before and failed to get it to
work, but maybe you could look at my code and suggest the DAO
I'm afraid I don't have the relevant experience myself. I'm
sure I could muddle through a few web pages and work
it out (but I'm sure you could, too!)
PS - Like the .sig