Dear all, You are invited to participate in an online research on male body image. (If you are female, please pass this on to your male friends.)
An Internet Study: The relationships between men's self-reported physical attributes, body image, self-esteem and internet dating. There has been quite a lot of research conducted on women's body image and we have a reasonable understanding of the types of factors that impact on women's body image and that ultimately lead to disorders like Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. However, we know very little about men's body image and the factors that impinge on the way males think about their bodies. Consequently we also know very little about how this impacts on men's health. Do you want to do something about it? If so, you are invited to take part in a research project that will focus exclusively on men's body image. Previous research has highlighted the impact of men's physical attributes on body image and how men perceive their own body. The purpose of this study is to further explore the relationship between physical qualities of men, their body image and self-esteem, using an Internet sample. All men above the age of 18, who have at least basic literacy in English, are invited to participate in this study. If possible, please have a tape measure ready. The questionnaire consists of 62 mostly multiple-choice questions and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain anonymous and no identifying information will be collected. You are free to withdraw from this study at any time. If you understand the information stated above and would like to participate in this study, please click on the link below: Thank you in advance for your time and input. Regards, Victoria University --