There was an error with the name of the variable !!!! I would not ask this if it was just a question of different variable names !!!!!
diff_temp=(logical_and(values[:,5] > -2,values[:,5] < 2)).nonzero() new_values=values[diff_temp,:] Okay, I'm going to try to explain that more specifically that I did. I have an array called values (size mxn). In this database, I just want the lines for which the values of the nth row are between two values (it's the purpose of diff_temp). So diff_temp gets me the number of the lines for which this latter criteria is right. But I'm interested on the values of the lines corresponding to the number given by diff_temp. In matlab, I will do diff_temp=find(values(:,5) > -2 & values[:,5) <2) new_values=values(diff_temp,:) Is it clear? Thanks Cedric --